Thursday, June 23, 2016

Digitizing, Module 6

   In this lab, we georeferenced old maps of archaeological sites and land cover to Oaxaca Valley, Mexico. In addition to that, we created shapefiles for and digitized the land cover and archaeological sites for each grid. Finally, we were to join tables of our digitized sites to a prepared excel file. My grids were N4E3, N4E4, and N4E5. 

This is a map of my three georeferenced grids. The most difficult part of this assignment was determining the grid locations. The historical topographical map I was georeferencing was especially blurry in the location of my grids, so you see that they do not line up perfectly.

 These next three maps show each grid and its digitized features. This part of the assignment was not difficult, but very time consuming. However, it was hard to read and determine the labels on some of the site features.

 This map shows the population estimate for a Monte Alban IIIB site in my N4E5 grid. The assignment was to find the most densely populated IIIB site cluster and symbolize it according to the low population field in the attribute table. However, I only had one IIIB site out of all my grids, with a low pop of 10. The site is located in an all arable land type, but is far from a river. I can only guess that even though it was on good land, it must have been isolated in some way from other resources.

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