Thursday, May 26, 2016


   This map shows Jordanian archaeological sites. The purpose of this module was to familiarize ourselves with ways to access site location coordinates, and how to use that information to make point locations in a map. Data for site locations was obtained from a publicly accessible site domain called MEGA, which is an archaeological site searchable database for the country of Jordan. While MEGA does provide site location, it also has varying levels of archaeological site information security based upon user identity. A guest to the site would have less access to site information than a user with administrative capabilities. Precautions like these aid in the prevention of site looting. 

   However, there is the concern that public domains like these and Google Earth give looters more accessibility to site location whereabouts, if not per say information about the sites. In retrospect,  this might in turn increase looting capabilities. Needless to say, site location sharing should be handled cautiously, considering there are now more ways than ever to view and find archaeological sites.

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