Sunday, March 27, 2016

Dot Density Mapping

   In this lab, we made a dot density map of the population of southern Florida. Our objectives in ArcMap were to: join spatial and tabular data between an excel sheet and a shapefile, and to utilize dot density symbology by selecting a suitable dot size, unit value, and the mask function in manipulating dot placement. 

My Map

   I created this dot density map in ArcMap with the data provided in this weeks lab. In terms of alternate design, I chose to turn off the county borders in order to better see the dot placement. In this week's lab we had a bonus objective of creating the dot legend by means other than the default one provided by ArcMap's legend wizard. I decided to make my dot legend by creating three new data frames in ArcMap, dragging the dot density layer into each one, and zooming into a spot with a 'few', to 'a couple', to 'many' dots. The only issue with this is I had to turn masking on as I worked through and zoomed into a location in each data frame and then off when I went to the next data frame (To prevent bogging). Otherwise it would generate random dots when I dragged it around in layout view (Also, I had to remember to turn masking all back on before exporting). I would not recommend this if you have trouble with loading the map after turning masking back on. I waited ~3 minutes for my map to export with all the masking on in the end.

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