Sunday, January 24, 2016

Introduction to Adobe Illustrator


In this lab we were asked to create and export a basic map from ArcGIS to use in Adobe Illustrator. Our objectives in AI were to learn the basic tools, utilize the AI help features, change the basic map elements in AI, utilize a script in AI to improve map features, and to show our competency in the lab through a written process summary. Below is my map.

Map Backstory and Objectives: 
We were to create a map to be published (hypothetically) in a children's encyclopedia. The map should contain information on major city locations, the state capital, counties, and surface water features of the state of Florida.  The map needed to include an image or text box with only three of the following (cartographers choice): a state flag, state seal, state flower, state animal, or state nickname. It needed a subtle background color, supporting color theme, and border. Also, we had to utilize a script in order to change the symbology of the major cities and capitol on the map and on the legend. Lastly, it needed the basic map elements incorporated.

My Process:
I created the basic map of Florida in ArcGIS with the data provided from this weeks lesson module. I had to add in the surface water features that were missing on the map by going into the Categories tab, clicking unique values, and going through and selecting the Add Values items I needed. I added in Lakes, Streams, and Swamps or Marsh. I finished up the basic map by adding a North Arrow, Legend, and Scale Bar. I exported it to my S drive with an AI extension, at 200 dpi, and closed out the program.
Next, I ran the AI program and opened the AI image file I just created in ArcGIS.  I looked at my Layers Panel and reorganized the layers accordingly, to avoid future overlap. The next step on the lab guide was to change the symbology of the cities, so I un-grouped each city individually by dragging them out of their group layer to a position just above, but still in the same layer. After ungrouping, I selected a new symbol from the Symbol Library and inserted it into the desired layer panel by using the Place Symbol Instance Tool. After inserting the symbol, I highlighted all the cities and the symbol using the CTRL key. Additionally, I had to click the Click To Target function beside each item in order for the script to run. After a successful script run, I did the same process to change the symbol for the state capital and to change the symbols on my legend to match. The rest of my time was spent adding images through the copy and paste tool under the Edit tab and rearranging my layers to avoid overlap. I added the background color through the use of the Rectangle Tool, then double clicking the color wheel to add color. I used the Elliptical Tool in the same way to create my 'sun' in the top left corner of the map. I utilized red arrows from the Symbol Library and text boxes to point to the major cities I chose label. Lastly, I added a border through the Brush Definition drop-down menu and previewed border choices by dragging and dropping them onto the map.
Key tools I used: Shift to proportionately re-size images and other objects, CTRL to select items, Symbols Library, Layers Panel, Rectangle Tool, Type Tool, Fill Tool, and a lot of clicking around!

My Experience:
This was my first experience with AI and it was quite challenging. I had some previous experience with Adobe Photoshop, years ago, and that small amount of knowledge kept me sane. I see issues with my map, after the fact, that I hope to not make in future maps. This was a good learning experience, and now that I have dabbled around in it, I will be better prepared for future map making. 

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