Thursday, March 31, 2016

Geocoding and Network Analyst Lab

   In this lab we created an address locator, conducted Geocoding by address matching, and utilized the Network Analyst extension in order to complete a route analysis.

My Map

   We downloaded data from the U.S. Census Bureau TIGER Line Shapefiles, imported it into our lab specific geodatabase, created an Address Locator in it, and used it to geocode locations into our map depicting EMS locations in Lake County, Florida. Afterwards, we used the Network Analyst extension to create three stop locations nearby three EMS stations (of our choice) and computed an optimal travel route along those three stops. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Dot Density Mapping

   In this lab, we made a dot density map of the population of southern Florida. Our objectives in ArcMap were to: join spatial and tabular data between an excel sheet and a shapefile, and to utilize dot density symbology by selecting a suitable dot size, unit value, and the mask function in manipulating dot placement. 

My Map

   I created this dot density map in ArcMap with the data provided in this weeks lab. In terms of alternate design, I chose to turn off the county borders in order to better see the dot placement. In this week's lab we had a bonus objective of creating the dot legend by means other than the default one provided by ArcMap's legend wizard. I decided to make my dot legend by creating three new data frames in ArcMap, dragging the dot density layer into each one, and zooming into a spot with a 'few', to 'a couple', to 'many' dots. The only issue with this is I had to turn masking on as I worked through and zoomed into a location in each data frame and then off when I went to the next data frame (To prevent bogging). Otherwise it would generate random dots when I dragged it around in layout view (Also, I had to remember to turn masking all back on before exporting). I would not recommend this if you have trouble with loading the map after turning masking back on. I waited ~3 minutes for my map to export with all the masking on in the end.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Vector Analysis Part 2

   In this lab, our objectives were to: use the buffer and overlay tool in ArcMap, create a script in ArcPy to run the buffer tool, analyze vector data using spatial queries, learn the six different overlay tools operations and when to use them, use a few of the overlay tools to combine or exclude multiple features, and distinguish between multipart and singlepart layers.

My Map
   This map was created with the purpose of locating potential campsites in the De Soto National Forest, Missouri that are within 300 meters of a road, 150 meters of a lake or 500 meters of a river, and excluded from conservation areas.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Flow Line Mapping

   In this lab, our goal was to create a flow line map in Adobe Illustrator depicting immigration to the U.S. in the year 2007. The lab objectives were to be able to: assess design issues for flow line mapping, calculate proportional line widths using excel, utilizing AI to create a global scale flow map, and produce a final map that demonstrates proper cartographic and flow map design techniques.

My Map

   This map shows the proportion of immigration by continent to the U.S. in the year 2007. The choropleth inset map shows what percentage of immigrants went to which states. Adobe Illustrator was used solely to create this map. I utilized the pen tool to create my flow lines, the text tool to create my legend and map text, the rectangle tool to make my choropleth legend continuous, the direct select tool to implement same fill color to my continents, the 3D and Bevel effect to stylize my flow lines, the transparency feature to prevent my flow lines from covering other map features, and stroke color to make my flow lines better represent the continent they come from.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Isarithmic Mapping

   In this lab, our goal was to produce an isarithmic map, with contour lines, depicting the annual rainfall coverage over the past 30 years of the state of Washington. Our learning objectives for the exercise were to be able to: understand the PRISM Interpolation Method, work with continuous raster data and implement continuous tone symbology, make map appropriate legends, utilize the Int Spatial Analyst Tool to convert raster values to integers, employ hillshade relief for both maps, manually classify data correctly, and to create contour lines using the Contour List Tool.

My Map

   This map depicts the annual precipitation over a 30 year period in the state of Washington. The data was prepared and derived using the PRISM Interpolation Method. This method utilizes elevation  data alongside precipitation data, creating stepped color zones, with contour lines, that better depict relief. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Data Search

   In this lab, our objective was to search for our own data, perform projections with the project tool and project raster tool, define projections when unassigned one, and clip our raster and vector data. We searched for five basic datasets (roads, rivers, cities & towns, parks, county boundaries), two environmental datasets (I chose habitat and land cover), and two raster (a Digital Elevation Model and DOQQ). We used to find our raster data (aerial photo) and USGS to download a DEM.
My Vector Map
   This map shows the vector data I acquired. On the left, the map depicts the major cities and roads in Duval County. On the right, the map depicts parks, major rivers, federally protected marine areas, and mangrove land cover. The projection for each vector data was converted from Albers Equal Area Conic to NAD 1983 State Plane Florida East FIPS 0901 Feet (US Feet). This projection was based off of the DOQQ raster data I collected, which was set to this projection.
My DEM Map
   This map shows the elevation of Duval County. The light quantities represent high elevation and the dark quantities represent low elevation. This was projected from GCS North American 1983 to my designated projection. It was created by clipping the data frame image to the boundary of Duval County.

   This map shows the aerial photo as an inset map over the county of Duval. The aerial photo is a portion of the city of Jacksonville, laid over the county of Duval and the major roads (labelled) in Duval. The raster data was already in the correct projection, all I had to do was re-project the county boundary data and road data.